Breathed a Sigh of Relief
Contemporary dance artist Wayson Poon has been carrying out his on-going movement research based on Qi, Liquid Body and 5 Rhythms(R) starting from 2016. He attempts to develop his own language and dynamics. In the past two months, he travelled between the rehearsal room and nature, trying to translate the energies and senses that connect his body and environment into a unique bodily language. Nourished by the elements “water” and “earth”, he aspires to sharpen a performer’s mind and body in the moment.
In Breathed a Sigh of Relief sharing, Poon will present his research of the past two months. While live audiences can attend in person to converse with the research team, they are invited to take or leave their seats freely and experience the research at their own pace. Additional content like the text and visual records by the researcher and observers will be available online to reveal the research progress. Audience can also choose to join the sharing via live streaming and share their thoughts with the team from home.
*Key image credit to Percy Mak
Research Team
Researcher: Wayson Poon
Mover: Kingsan Lo
Observers: Percy Mak, Ivy Tsui
Producer: Carrol Ho @KALOSProductionsHK
Videographer and Editor: Vvzela Kook
Sound Artist: Paul Yip
Acknowledgement: Asian Cultural Council, Wing Lai, Luk Wai Shan, Vivian

Hong Kong contemporary dance artist Wayson Poon was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship to conduct a three-month cultural and arts training and research in Jogjakarta and Solo (Indonesia) from late November 2019 to early February 2020. Upon his return to Hong Kong, Poon continued the research and applied what he learnt from Indonesia to the natural environment of Hong Kong. With a focus on the elements and landscape of nature, he explores the relationship between indigenous culture and bodily movement, and is aspired to construct training based on this concept and content.
** This project has been supported by Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts in 2020